Unauthorized Immigration

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Illegal or unauthorized immigration indicates to illegal movement across international borders that violates the immigration law of the destination country (Ryo, 2013). This clandestine immigration, in the recent decade, has witnessed an incredible expansion particularly with the growing trend toward globalization which increased the regional disparities in conditions between different places (Rezouni, 2010; Hear et al., 2012). And according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) report (2014), the number of international migrants was estimated at 232 million people or 3.2% of the world population with women accounted for 48% of the global migrant stock. Additionally, one fifth of all international immigration or about 50 million …show more content…
For instance, the number illegal immigrants arrive only by sea to the EU was estimated at about 50,000 people, on average, in the period between 2009 and 2013. Even though, the immigration movement has been reduced steadily because of the regulations, the facilitators of such like this clandestine immigration continue smuggling immigrants through a complicated network of smugglers. Interestingly, the earlier study of Patia (2002) reported that the number of smugglers arrested in Turkey alone was 2400 in the period between 1998 and 2002, and the number is believed to have increased since. While an accurate number of migrants who are smuggled in the course of irregular immigration is not known, it is increasingly assumed that an overwhelming number of illegal immigrants use the services of smuggling networks at some stage in their journey (UNODC, …show more content…
In addition, the social networks and imitating members of family or friends went abroad (peer pressure) is considered one of the most important factors motive the migrants in Somaliland to clandestinely go to Europe, according to the web-based pre-observational draft of this study answered by 58 respondents.
Even though, one may justify or claim that the illegal immigration to Europe is necessary because of the external factors that may force someone to leave his country, the instrument used is akin to Suicide due to the risks embedded in this route, where the most common route of clandestine immigration “Tahrib” in horn of Africa is traveling by thin and weak boats to Europe, namely to Italia, Greece, and Spain, through Libya, Egypt, or Morocco. The exact number of people who die voyaging from Africa to Europe is hard to know, but unofficial reports by advocacy groups estimated that over 10000 immigrants have died crossing the Mediterranean during the last two decades as mentioned in an article by Connor (2014). Furthermore, the migrants if not face the risk of dying, they are often arrested by maritime control authorities. For instance, in 2007 and 2008, the Italian government arrested at its maritime borders 20165 and 36951 illegal immigrants, respectively, and rescued hundreds of thousands from the rough seas of its coasts (Connor,

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