Are Twisted Heroes Good Or Bad

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Traditionally, heroes are the backbone of a society. They sacrifice their health and well-being for the greater good. They are brave and courageous, always standing up for causes which few are willing to fight for. However, twisted heroes aren't necessarily fighting for the greater good but rather for results. They stand for power, strength, and most importantly, leadership. They are the definition of success and find it in many shapes and forms. Although, what makes them twisted is that they rely on an unjust system to get their results. They lead with unruly actions, and they acquire their strength through unworthy tactics. In the book Our Twisted Hero by Yi Munyol, Om Sokdae represents a twisted hero. He is the class monitor of …show more content…
Why? Well, because he beats the students up. He doesn’t help them in any way, shape, or form. All he does in rule with an unjust system. That’s only twisted. But how can he not be the hero if he lead them to success through unruly actions? As stated before, he lead the class above all other class in projects and academics. In doing so, he lead with such power that it allowed for a biased ranking system of fighting, beating the students, and using his force to make himself look better than the rest. However, without him they were nothing. It said in the story that they spent a whole term trying to work on this new system of power without him, some wished that they had little Sokdaes, and many were tempted to bring him back. Also, without him they were doing much worse than other classes, and without Om they began falling from the top. If not for the Sokdae, then the students wouldn’t be anything. He helped make then noticing en and a force to reckon with. He saved them from being the worst to being the best. And isn't that what twisted heroes are supposed to do? Lead? Find and produce promising results? Although, do them with unruly actions? Yes. That’s exactly what Om did. He produced results that everyone one admired but pulled it off through unworthy …show more content…
For example, Alexander the Great. He was the king of Macedonia from 336-323 BCE. From the age of twenty, after the assassination of his father he took the throne and ruled over Macedonia. He found much success in conquering and his results of his invasions and land acquired were very promising to the views of power they had. His army was strong and his powerful leadership allowed for his soldiers to be successful on the battlefront. During his years of power he created a massive empire that stretched from Greece all the way to Northern India. He conquered the Persian Empire, he conquered India, and even spread a new culture called Hellenism throughout Eurasian civilizations. However, all his accomplishments completely cover up some of his twisted attributes about how he really ruled. Alexander was an alcoholic. How this affected his success? Well, he burned down a city in his moments of rage from alcohol. He showed just how much power and strength he had, that burning down a city was easy for him which is incredible, but doing it under the influence without much intention is unworthy. He also didn't govern any of his land. Many times whenever he conquered places he let their system of government remain. He showed unruly actions by allowing a differing systems of government to stay and conquering when he

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