Savitt’s Medicine and Slavery analyzes a wider viewpoints as well as a wider variety of health issues—including endemic and epidemic diseases, living and work conditions, injuries, and the combined use of white and black medical treatments—for slaves in antebellum Virginia. Regardless of the substantial body of medical literature devoted to discussing physical differences between African American and white bodies, Savitt argues, theories of racial difference had less influence in the day-to-day evaluation and management of slaves’ health issues; bondspeople and white southerners were prone to the same diseases and prostrations, and often received the same treatments. Savitt also reports the existence of a “dual system” of health care, in which slaves requested ministrations from African American healers in addition to receiving medical care from their masters and white physicians (Savitt 15). Not all slaveholders were committed to fortify the health of their human chattel, and many slaves were skeptical of white medical interventions; moreover, African American slaves were used as disposals for medical experiments at the hands of white doctors, and as clinical material (living and deceased) for southern medical schools. Though he highlights issues of disability, Savitt takes a biomedical approach to issues of health and slaves’ bodies that largely discusses disabilities (from poor living conditions, injuries, old age, reproductive issues, or insanity) only as…