Long shot is used to show Truman’s humble situation. The a high angle shot, where the camera looks down, is used in this movie to emphasize Truman’s weakness and submissive feelings that his life is being controlled by the director, which in fact is showing an unrealistic side of …show more content…
Crosscutting, parallel editing, and zoom are the two techniques that are most effectively used in this film to achieve the theme and the tone. Crosscutting shows different actions of the character occurring at the same time and the same location. In fact, there is a shot where crosscutting is used, when Truman says: “Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” (Truman Show, Jim Carrey). Additionally, parallel editing shows the same actions of the character, occurring at a different time and a different location. Parallel editing is used to allow the audience to know the fact that his life is a planned reality TV show, which his “father” and the workers in the studio make the unrealistic reality