The Keystone XL Pipeline In The Lord Of The Rings

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Tom Bombadil was a character portrayed as both a god-like figure, and a man who deeply cared for the Earth. Lady Galadriel is another character in The Lord of the Rings that also possesses god-like characteristics while simultaneously living a sustainable life.
Both Tom and Galadriel are examples of powerful creatures living a balanced life, therefore portraying Tolkien’s respect for nature and strong spirituality. Religion was a very important part of Tolkien’s life. He was a Christian and religions allegory appears in much of his writing. Tolkien was against many of the modern technologies and the importance of enjoying nature was also appeared in his writings. Sustainability is the key to balance, and it is not achievable when people think they can own nature and forget to appreciate the beauty in nature. A current example of unsustainable human decisions is the quite controversial topic, the Keystone XL pipeline. TOM-NATURE Tom Bombadil lived in the Old Forest, taking care of the nature, and singing ridiculously silly songs. Tom lived with his wife Goldberry, and they provide Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin, a place to stay the night. During the evening, Frodo asked Goldberry who Tom Bombadil was. She replied that Tom was the master of the forest, the rivers, and everything living, but that the land was not Tom’s property. Tom had no fears; he lived in his won little world, oblivious to the world outside his own. Tom had no interest in possession or domination . Earlier that day, the four hobbits encountered Old Man Willow. They group had stopped by a willow for a break, when the willow suddenly became alive. The old willow had trapped Merry and Pippin in his trunk. Nothing the Hobbits tried, stopped the willow and only made him angrier. Frodo’s cry for help was answered by Tom Bombadil. Tom was accustoming to Old Man Willow’s work. Tom started singing to Old Man Willow to let Merry and Pippin go, and Old Man Willow released the two hobbits immediately. Tom’s singing was his humane weapon, which he used to protect the old forest. TOM-GOD Tom’s singing was one of the aspects that made Tom seem like a higher power. Tom is a mysterious yet powerful character. Tom had informed the hobbits he was ancient. He existed before the rivers and trees, he was alive to experience the first raindrop, and he occupied the land before all the creatures migrated into the area. He has simply existed for ages, and will go on living until the world ceases. His powers allowed him to be unaffected by Frodo’s magic ring. When he wears the ring, nothing happens, he doesn’t disappear. He also could see Frodo when he put the ring on. In a letter that Tolkien writes, he mentions how it is not in Tom’s personality to judge. For example, he had power over Old Man Willow, but he made no effort to reprehend Old Man Willow’s actions and didn’t
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In the modern day, too many people are fighting for ownership of land, and forget to appreciate the simple beauty of the land. These are not sustainable types of actions. One controversial topic that seems to demonstrate this concept is the Keystone XL Pipeline. The Keystone is an unsustainable infrastructure, and citizens and the pipeline company fight over the land. Contrarily
The Keystone XL Pipeline is used to transport tar sands from Alberta Canada, to the eastern costal region of Texas. Much of the pipeline has already been constructed, but there is one more phase of TransCanada’s project that has been proposed but hasn’t been passed by the government. Phase 4 will stretch 1179 miles from Alberta Canada, to Steele City Nebraska.
The pipeline is a step in the wrong direction. The pipeline will harm people, the wilderness, and the climate. The pipeline will be transporting crude oil, known as one of the dirtiest oils. The pipeline also crosses over the Mississippi river, the Ogallala Aquifer, Yellowstone, and stretches through six states. Deforestation is another unsustainable action, which will occure. Tar sands are found in the Boreal forests, Alberta. The forest is destroyed to extract the oil. Wastewater and pollution are a couple more examples of the consequences we will have to deal

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