They say jealously is the root of all evil in the world. If this is true then the one emotion that could dig up this root from anyone's mind is empathy. Once you can see what the person who plays piano has gone through to achieve this goal, or how much time and effort it took for the one who plays volleyball like a professional to achieve his goal, you will then understand the struggle of them and not immediately judge someone by their appearance. Everyone will experience this some way or another since this is the starting point to feel some sort of compassion or sympathy towards people. This is the gateway for us as a human race to be more humane and keeps us from thinking like what we used …show more content…
Boo, who was viewed by Scout like a ghost who creeps on people at night, saves Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell who give him nothing in return. Scout said " I was beginning to learn his body language. His hand tightened on mine and he indicated that he wanted to leave" (372) This quote reveals to us that Scout is starting to understand how Boo is and why he is so shy since she has experienced how he really is instead of a biased perception of him (before this incident, she wouldn’t even let him put a blanket onto her). She is now learning not to "judge a book by its cover." After Scout walks Boo Radley home she said "One time he said you never know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough." (373) This shows us that she finally sees what Boo has been seeing this whole time and now views him as a human being instead of a monster who stalks people at night. She sees him reaching out through the hole in the tree trying to get close to someone. This shows the development and maturity of Scouts character from being scared of the one who everyone else is scared of ,to reaching out to him and accepting him for who he