The first event that shows the characters in the novel used empathy to understand others was when Scout used it to influence others to have it also. (Lee 210) “‘ ... You children last night made Walter Cunningham stand in my shoes for a minute and that was enough.’ ” This quote was referring to when Scout was empathetic for Walter and made him stand in Atticus’s shoes for a minute. This shows that Scout with empathy also figured out how to get Walter to have empathy and be in her dad’s
Meza 2 position. The event shows that Scout learn how to use empathy and this allowed Walter to also be in Atticus’s position a minute. When Scout chooses to pick a normal …show more content…
(Lee 264) “ ‘You felt sorry for her. You felt sorry for her?’ ” This is Mr. Gilmer the prosecuting attorney who is shaming Tom for his empathy. Tom had put himself in Mayella shoes and understood her and felt for her. Usually empathy would be praised but this ended up getting Tom killed because of the racism present in Maycomb. So Tom putting himself in Mayella’s point of view helped him understand her which influenced his decision to help her. With his empathy; he allowed himself to understand her despite the fact that he had to do twice the work to help