Thorsness's Surviving Hell

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Being in a position of utmost agony typically allows a person to find satisfaction in the most mild of activities. Such agonizing events appear in Leo Thorsness’ book, Surviving Hell. This novel is a self-reflection of the time of the time Leo Thorsness and his fellow POWs began to expand their capabilities as prisoners through exemplifying patriotism, continuing cultural traditions, and keeping a positive and hopeful mindset. In the book Surviving Hell by Leo Thorsness, he and other POWs thrive off of miniscule enterprises through keeping an optimistic outlook despite being prisoners in Vietnam. Since a majority of a POW’s time was spent sitting in a large jail cell, the prisoners had a lot of time to talk to each other. Many POWs often repeatedly summarized their favorite movies and books because anything was better than sitting in silence. One day, POW, Mike Christian conceived the idea of “top ten”lists. These lists compromised the POWs favorite ten elements of any topic ranging from the first ten people they would call when they got home all of the way to the top ten cars they wanted. These fantasies grew the POWs’ aspirations for a better reality. In Surviving Hell, Leo describes the popularity of the game as “list mania” (Thorsness, 102) and states that the lists quickly “infected everyone in the cell⎼then expanded to other cells” (Thorsness, 102). Through this small activity, the POWs were able to distract themselves from the punishments and isolation and focus on their desires as freed people. Together they thrived off of a seemingly pointless game. The Winter months were a difficult time for the POWs in North Vietnam. Temperatures shrunk down to an average of 45 degrees which was intensified due to the concrete floors, minimal clothing, and worn blankets given to the POWs. One Winter, the POWs were each miraculously gifted a pair of green socks. Although the socks made a the chilling Winter nights bearable, Mike Christian founded the idea to turn the socks …show more content…
One day, Mike found a dirty handkerchief in the gutter which gave him the idea to make an American flag. The POWs knew that any item beyond what they had been given as prisoners would result in a torture session, but that didn’t stop Mike. The rest of the POWs donated what little soap they had in order to contribute to Mike’s end goal. Mike scavenged to compile a small amount of items which allowed him to finish his makeshift American Flag. Upon, completion Mike awoke every POW to wave his flag in a nationalistic manner, inspiring the men to continue their hardships and work through the painful life as a prisoner of war. When mike displayed his flag the other prisoners “automatically came to attention and saluted” (Thorsness, 108) and some of them even began to cry. Mike’s flag showed bravery, patriotism, and courage, allowing his fellow POWs to prosper through his nationalistic values. His desire to construct the flag reignited the dimly lit hope that remained in the POWs, allowing them to thrive in a time of weakness. In the novel Surviving Hell by Leo Thorsness, the author alongside other POWs were able to flourish from the most basic of activities despite being prisoners in Vietnam. Mike Christian played a large role through his creation of the “top ten” lists, Christmas tree, and American flag. Together the men showed that they were able to find happiness from

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