Thoreau's Views On Civil Disobedience

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Through these two images, Thoreau portrays the American government as meddlesome and intrusive. He reveals the American government to be a standing army and pretty much like a wooden gun when it comes to laws and dealing with its people. This infers that the government is sort of revealing its heavy powers to prevent problems occurring among the different countries and its countries.

A policy that most people obey and do out of respect for the law is that as known by most drivers; when they are stopped by a police officer, they tend to turn off the engine, roll down the window, stay inside the car, and put their hands on the steering wheel. This law conflicts with the morality because although it is not wrong, yet it is unnecessary and that it is only practiced because it has been adopted by the people over time. Therefore, one doesn't physically have to do these things step-by-step, just that one only needs to show to be clear of the capacity to endanger a police officer. However, numerous drivers have chosen to do these steps as a way to show respects and avoid further problems with the police officers.
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He further talks about how in this way, the government has prevented itself from suggestions for improvements from its citizens. I would think that most senators and/or judges would usually support the laws regardless of the issues since although they might be the ones who can judge and deal with laws, yet they are still workers for the government and are working for money to which by defying the laws, they can encounter troubles or lose their financial stability for their families. In rare cases, some brave senators or judges would go against it for the people and be willing to face the consequences like

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