Her friend could not help but to mention that she looked different. Mathilde then told her about the incident with the necklace. “oh my poor Mathilde! My necklace was paste. It was worth about five hundred franks” (Maupassant 5). Mathilde’s character was prideful and instead of admitting she lost it; she order the necklace, and paid thirty-six thousand francs. Mathilde’s character never took responsibility for her prideful ways; furthermore, she blamed her friend, Madame Forestier for the misfortune. Her stubbornness and pride, resulted in negative effects for her and her family. She spent several years paying for the consequences of her pride. Perhaps, if she would have confronted the situation with bravery, she would have avoided the ten years of heartaches and additional work. People say that honesty is the best policy, this story is a perfect example of why lying or avoiding a situation does not end in positive …show more content…
She was afraid that they would come in contact with The Misfit, which was a serial killer. On the way to Florida the grandmother insisted on going to a plantation she once knew, when she was younger. She manipulated the kids into wanted to visit the plantation. She lied about secret passages on the plantation where they kept the family’s silver. The children then begged to the parent to visit the plantation. Once the family took the route the grandmother insisted on, “…a horrible thought came to her. The thought was so embarrassing that she turned red in the face and her eyes dilated…” (O’Conner 4). At the same moment the family had an accident. They came face to face with the Misfit, but the family was unaware of whom they were talking to. They thought that the man came to helped them, yet the whole family was in a dangerous situation. At this point in time the grandmother focuses for her life. Not even for once instant was she concerned for the wellbeing of her family. As a result of her pride, the whole family suffered the consequences. Perhaps if the grandmother had been less prideful the would not have detour to see the plantation; her prideful ways cost her and her loved ones their