The deepest principle in human nature is the unintentional desire to dominate each other. William Shakespeare 's play, Macbeth, illustrates the transformation of one 's morals when introduced to the opportunity for power. This is evident through the characterization of the protagonist, Macbeth, who drastically undergoes a significant change because of the potential of evil he possesses. Equally important is the everlasting relationship Macbeth had with the witches which built the foundation of Macbeth 's immorality. Furthermore, the urge for power eventually created a remorseless figure which Macbeth had become. Through the following quotes Shakespeare effectively illustrates the reoccuring inner conflict between …show more content…
His inner conscience repeatedly tries to stop him but it is overpowered by his strong desires. This eventually causes Macbeth to go down his immoral path to achive his ambition.
"All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king king hereafter"(I,iii,51).
The three witches in Macbeth played a significant role in Macbeth. They continued to always support Macbeth down his immoral path. The witches knew about Macbeth 's desire for power and they started to give him hints about his potential to become king. This started to pull Macbeth 's secret desire from his inner conscience. This proved to be useful since Macbeth started questioning the witches which revealed his temptation to become the king. In other words, the relationship Macbeth had with the witches created a path full of immoral actions that Macbeth started on.
"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me" …show more content…
Instead of killing people getting in his way, he kills innocent women and children. An example of this is when he chooses to kill Macduff 's family. Killing a family is known to be one of the most gruesome and immoral acts in society but Macbeth does not even hesitate when he chooses to kill Macduff 's family. He had no second thoughts and even mocked them by calling them unforutnate souls. Macbeth 's ambition has rewired his brain to be evil and unsympathtic.
"I will not yield, / To kiss the ground before young Malcolm 's feet" (V,vii,27-28).
In the last act of the play, Macbeth is at war and he is battling Macduff. He refuses to give up says that he would rather die instead of seeing Malcolm as the king. This shows how strong Macbeth 's ambition is. On top of that, Macbeth does not ask Macduff to surrender but instead attempts to kill him without hesitation. If Macbeth was successful, he would have continued his killing rampage by killing Macbeth and many others. His ambition is the root of his immoral acts and if he did not have such a strong ambition he might have been alive at the end of the play.