Throughout the play, Macbeth tries to manage his destiny by believing the prophecies he received from the three witches will come true. After Macbeth receives the prophecy that he will become the king of Scotland, King Duncan declared that his son Malcolm will be the Prince of Cumberland. At this point, Macbeth starts to plan his future. In Act 1 Scene 3 lines 48-52, Macbeth states “The Prince of Cumberland! This is a step on which I must fall down, or else overleap, for in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desire”. Based on this quote, Macbeth is saying that since Malcolm is officially Duncan’s heir, he has to find other ways to …show more content…
Throughout the play, he believed that he can be a successful king just by believing all his prophecies will come true and cover up his guilt by murdering everyone that could threaten him At the end he fails to be a king and fails to protect Scotland. His sin of murder made his wife feels troubled and guilty and caused her to commit suicide. From facing these consequences, Macbeth states that there is no special meaning in life. At the end, Macduff killed Macbeth during the final battle as his punishment for his evil plans to control the future and bury the