After that he let his emotions and thoughts controlled himself when Macduff fled the country.
In the media witches are defined as evil, wicked, and are ugly old hags, this description fits perfectly for the witches in Macbeth. They have fun by making the lives of other people as miserable as possible. Although Macbeth was a noble gentleman, and he was loyal to the king, things started to change when he encounters the three witches. The witches were not completely honest with Macbeth. This made him feel over confident with the information he receives. At first Macbeth did not believe the witches, but when the first and second prophecy came true he slowly starts to trust them. When Macbeth starts to think that him becoming king might be true, his faithfulness towards the current king starts to deteriorate. His minds, then starts to fill with negative thoughts of assassinating the king, and crowning himself. “Against the use of nature? Present fears are less than horrible imaginings: My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man that function is smother’d in surmise; and nothing is but what …show more content…
He is evil and manipulative, he will do anything now to keep his crown. So when he found out that Macduff has fled the country, it added fuel to the fire. Macbeth felt betrayal and hatred towards him because he predicted that Macduff does not trust him, and with him fleeing, it confirms his own prediction. This made Macbeth more impulsive and into a tyrant. “Macduff is fled to England…Fled to England…time, thou anticipates my dread exploits: the flighty purpose is never o’ertook unless the deed go with it: from this moment, the very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings of my hand” (Act 4 Scene 1 Line 156-163). Also, since Macduff fled the country, this made Macbeth brutally kill Macduff’s whole family. It was Macbeth’s way of sending a message to Macduff to show that whoever defies him will end miserably. Macduff fled to England in order to seek help to take down Macbeth, because of this Macbeth also prepares for war, but does not take it seriously since the apparitions told him he is undefeatable. In reality, this battle was the end of Macbeth, but he does not know it yet. So, when the fight begins, Macbeth discovers that apparitions that the witches predicted, that would never came true, became reality. Yet, he still thinks he thinks he can come out of the battle as the victor. Everything was brought to an end when Macduff told Macbeth he was not born from a women, and that he was capable of killing him.