The theme of Finding Neverland is to keep your imagination alive. James Barrie, the main character of the film, is a grown man who still has a very vivid imagination. The film shows James using his imagination when he first meets the Davies family. When James first encounters the family, he comes across one of the Davies boys lies underneath a bench where …show more content…
little boy. James and Peter often switch roles throughout the film. In the beginning, when James first meets the Davie family, and he puts on his “play,” Peter is not impressed at all. Peter views the “play” as stupid, and clearly sees Nana as what she is, a dog. At this point you would think Peter is an adult, while James is a child. We then see exactly why Peter fills the way that he does about adults when his mother starts taking ill. He tells James not to lie to him, and we then see a more serious side of James, he make it very clear that he would never lie to Peter about anything. At the end of the film, Peter runs off crying after the burial of his mother, he is heartbroken because he has lost both of his parents. Sylvia designates James and her mother, Ms. Emma du Maurier, to be co-guardians of the Davie boys. James then realizes that he has a major responsibility, and that is to take care of the boys, not to be their father, but to be a father figure. At that moment James and Peter switch roles one last time, James as an adult, and Peter as a child.
Finding Neverland is an excellent adaptation of how the story of Peter pan is developed. This film shows viewers a different outlook on what Peter pan is, and what Neverland is truly about. Peter pan is not just Peter Davie, but he is also James. James meeting the Davie family was not a mistake, James needs the Davie boys to show him how to be more responsible, to keep his imagination alive, and also keep him young. Neverland is not just for children, but it is a place where we should all aim to get