By taking the literature from the sites he is set to burn and reading them at home. Montag begins to defy his government. He then takes his resistance a couple steps further by joining a former subject of interest to sabotage his colleagues. Finally, he manages to free himself completely by standing up to and killing his boss, Beatty, and fleeing the city to join an official group of mutineers in the wilderness, prepared to teach others his ways. As a whole, humanity dislikes being cooped up; a lack of free will leaves people antsy and desperate to find a way to escape their figurative or literal confines, even if, when free, they still choose to not do much at all. This is why it is so important to maintain one’s freedom, or stand up for one’s self in situations where one is not able to think and act the way they wish. Humanity as a whole should use these instincts as a guide, backed up with logic, to break free from oppressive convention. Maybe then, everybody will be free enough that there will be no need to
By taking the literature from the sites he is set to burn and reading them at home. Montag begins to defy his government. He then takes his resistance a couple steps further by joining a former subject of interest to sabotage his colleagues. Finally, he manages to free himself completely by standing up to and killing his boss, Beatty, and fleeing the city to join an official group of mutineers in the wilderness, prepared to teach others his ways. As a whole, humanity dislikes being cooped up; a lack of free will leaves people antsy and desperate to find a way to escape their figurative or literal confines, even if, when free, they still choose to not do much at all. This is why it is so important to maintain one’s freedom, or stand up for one’s self in situations where one is not able to think and act the way they wish. Humanity as a whole should use these instincts as a guide, backed up with logic, to break free from oppressive convention. Maybe then, everybody will be free enough that there will be no need to