The Whisky Rebellion Analysis

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The Whisky Rebellion might often be overlooked in a high school history book, however, it significantly helped to shape the American West. The mentality of the West was that of opportunity and adventure. American Frontiersmen came to the west looking to help build a new nation, however, they soon believed that the government did not have their best interest. This lead to the frontier man’s discovery that his anger could influence the government. Although it helped to legitimize federal authority, The Whisky Rebellion is nothing short of being one of the most influential events to shape the independent frontier man by realizing they could revolt to get justice.
The newly freed country had just made their new constitution in 1788 and people
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This was the beginning of a new era of Western expansion, however, the brave frontiersmen were being taxed rather than rewarded. Farmers behaved accordingly, by tar and feathering revenue collectors, refusing to register their stills, and flat out not paying taxes. Washington and Hamilton watched for three years as the West tirelessly resisted against this tax. The West was strong and resilient. Violence ensued against politicians and the rebellious farmers only became stronger with every casualty they faced. After the death of one of the major rebel leaders, a large rebel force of around 5,000 to 7,000 gathered near Pittsburgh and began to drill. On Aug. 1 a rebel group marched to Pittsburg, where they were met by a reception committee who was there to prevent any violence. The thought of having a large army near Pittsburg terrified the Washington administration and they soon realized that they would have to make a …show more content…
7, 1794, Washington issued a proclamation, requesting 13,000 militiamen from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia and ordered the frontier rebels to return to their homes. Federal and state commissioners were sent to the frontier with offers of amnesty to all who would quit the rebellion and when they received a weak response to this they decided to send soldiers to the West, lead by Henry Lee. Thanks to these regulations all were in order. In the face of federal threats, the rebellion had begun to fizzle and most rebel farmers returned to their farms and stills. “In a series of challenges that frustrated the will of central authority, it seemed the one opportunity for successful assertion of federal dominance.” There was no more rebel army for Washington to control and the federal government was taking control again. The tax was still implemented, however Hamilton adjusted it by having his tax collectors also act as purchasing agents for the federal army. This made the tax collectors also

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