The Three Progressive Presidents During The Progressive Era

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A time came where change occured, which we know by the progressive era. This era was known for the age of reform. There were three progressive presidents during this era: Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. These presidents sought to develop the country’s economic, political, and social ways of life. During the progressive era, the three presidents tried their best to transform, what they thought was needed. The presidents were known for reforming what would help the citizens, the politics, and the United States of America the most. The first progressive president was Teddy Roosevelt. He managed to help out the middle class and the children by getting rid of unfair businesses. The article, The Progressive Presidents, …show more content…
Although he was not much of a progressive president, he still tried to make changes politically. Taft was progressive due to the changing of the tariffs and the splitting of the party. The article, The Progressive Presidents, refers, “Many politicians were surprised to learn that Taft did not share some of the Progressive ideas and policies that Roosevelt endorsed. In fact, many people felt that Taft lacked the mental and physical stamina necessary to be an effective President.” Taft was a president who tried to change based on his plans and wants to reform the country the way he thought was necessary. The first thing he thought about was the tariffs; he thought of an act, Payne Aldrich Tariff of 1909, that he thought was reasonable for this country. This act was a sort of a restricted amount, but it was later changed to an excessive tariff. Taft way of thought caused an uproar to the party politically. Taft 's way splits the party, “the “Old Guard” Republicans who supported Taft and the Progressive Republicans who backed Roosevelt. This led to chaos to the politics; the parties were not able to back up the people that were necessary to so Teddy Roosevelt created a new party “Bull …show more content…
He made many reforms in order to help the people. The article from Sheppard Software, Woodrow Wilson, describes, “One of the primary goals of his presidency was to regulate big business.” In order to accomplish this goal he created many acts in order to achieve his overall thought. All of his acts were passed with the help of his programs, nicknamed "New Freedom". He passed The Federal Reserve System, the Federal Trade Commission, The Underwood Tariff Act, and Federal Farm Loan Act. All of these acts were passed in an attempt to support finance, limit companies with big powers, lower tariffs, and lessen the hours of railroad workers. This brought changes to the people; this helped diminish the current living style, which was not loved by the

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