What Is Gluttony In Dante's Inferno

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The Divine Comedy is a three part series, written by Dante Alighieri, which describes the frustrations he felt, while in exile, pertaining to Florentine politics. The first part in the series, The Inferno, depicts Dante’s pilgrimage into the underworld of Hell. The epic describes Dante’s descent in an attempt to get back on a spiritual path. The Inferno was created with the purpose of telling the politics of Florence and combining ideas of Pagan and Greek religion (“Literary Background”). Dante’s work also portrays his hatred for the corrupt politicians of his era, as he sends them to Hell for the sins they have committed (“Historical Background”). Dante wrote Canto VI with the purpose of identifying political prophecies and figures, as well as identifying a sin that all souls are susceptible to. Firstly, Canto VI was created for the prophecy of feuding political parties to be told. Because The Inferno was written after the time period the epic takes place, Dante is able to predict future events. With this …show more content…
Within the world today, there are many examples which pertain to both definitions of the word. The habit of desiring more in one’s life is common with current celebrities, such as the Kardashian-Jenner family. Whether the greed is for a tangible object or fame, they continue to desire more than they currently possess. From the beginning of their fame, the Kardashians continually work to expand their careers and gain more wealth. While they own multiple properties and cars, they long for more than they presently own. Additionally, gluttony can be found in the eating habits of Americans, specifically pertaining to the holiday of Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving, families traditionally prepare large banquets composed of variations on several traditional foods. These meals typically contain an excess amount of food and as a result people gorge

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