Faith Theme In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Imagine that in one night your life would be changed forever. Imagine your family dead,possessions taken,and your faith in a higher power broken.All of those things happened to Holocaust survivor Elie Wisel.In my essay I will be discussing how faith,memories,and the night are important to the theme of this tragic story of loss. As well as how these themes intertwine to make Elie’s story be told in a way as if we the readers felt the pain and suffering too. When you lose your faith what do you have left? When Elie lost his faith he had nothing but the reality of death and chaos all around him. In chapter 1 Elie is a very religious Jew who studies the Kabbalah and wants Moshie the Beadle to help him further his studies. By the end of chapter 1 when he and his family are forced into the ghetto and rounded up into the cattles cars his faith begins to waver slightly. In Chapter 2-3 Elie’s faith slips when he sees people being shot,hung and beaten.
However it isn’t until chapter
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Each theme is necessary to the story because they allow the reader to feel a sense of sadness for Elie and the suffering that he went through. The theme of night teaches us that during the Holocaust death and agony was a normal part of everyday life. The next theme which is faith is the most important because during every chapter we see a proud and faithful boy turn more into the shell of broken nonbeliever. The last theme of the story which is memories is important to the story because without Elie’s hellish memories of the different camps and senses he remembers this book would have never been written the same way. Elie Wisel in the second chapter states “Never shall I forget the flames that consumed my faith forever.” After reading this quote it made me realize the severity of the Holocaust in a much different perspective. The way Mr.Wisel describes his story sent chills down my

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