During this era, authors and artists intentionally used stereotypical images of race in their works. In spite of the Blaxploitation era’s use of racial stereotypes, it was able to draw African American communities together to respond to the suppressive situations they faced. This ability is evident in the novel “The Spook Who Sat by the Door.” In this novel one man, Dan Freeman, creates an underground society that brings young African American gangs together in efforts to take down “whitey.” Because the novel narration is in third person, readers have the ability to clearly analyze Dan Freeman’s thoughts. As the protagonist, Freeman sets a serious tone with one goal: to obtain freedom for
During this era, authors and artists intentionally used stereotypical images of race in their works. In spite of the Blaxploitation era’s use of racial stereotypes, it was able to draw African American communities together to respond to the suppressive situations they faced. This ability is evident in the novel “The Spook Who Sat by the Door.” In this novel one man, Dan Freeman, creates an underground society that brings young African American gangs together in efforts to take down “whitey.” Because the novel narration is in third person, readers have the ability to clearly analyze Dan Freeman’s thoughts. As the protagonist, Freeman sets a serious tone with one goal: to obtain freedom for