In the story Arc of Justice the Sweet family is treated unlawful by the cops set to protect them from the White American riot outside their home. For instance, rioters of the neighborhood threw rocks at their house breaking windows and once the windows were broken Sweet’s reinforcements send shots out into the crowd kill one white person. Schuknecht the officer “protecting” the house and reinforcement officers come in and arrest everyone in the house. This is discriminatory towards the Sweet family and others in the house even though they were in the wrong that should not have been the only ones arrested. The rioters also committed and crime should have been arrested. During this time period Police Officers look the other way when it came to White Americans committing crimes on African Americans. Another example given in the book is when mine foreman shot a black work and turned himself in, but was told to go back to work. There is always a turn of the head when crimes against African Americans were committed. The foreman should have been arrested for murdering the man in cold blood. Another important
In the story Arc of Justice the Sweet family is treated unlawful by the cops set to protect them from the White American riot outside their home. For instance, rioters of the neighborhood threw rocks at their house breaking windows and once the windows were broken Sweet’s reinforcements send shots out into the crowd kill one white person. Schuknecht the officer “protecting” the house and reinforcement officers come in and arrest everyone in the house. This is discriminatory towards the Sweet family and others in the house even though they were in the wrong that should not have been the only ones arrested. The rioters also committed and crime should have been arrested. During this time period Police Officers look the other way when it came to White Americans committing crimes on African Americans. Another example given in the book is when mine foreman shot a black work and turned himself in, but was told to go back to work. There is always a turn of the head when crimes against African Americans were committed. The foreman should have been arrested for murdering the man in cold blood. Another important