He is a cofounder of the NAACP and one of the many social activists during his time. Dubois was born on the 23 of February 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Dubois was well-educated, he attended Fisk University and earned his Bachelor 's Degree. Dubois proceeded to receive a Ph. D from Harvard University in 1895. After receiving his degrees Dubois began to write social works on racial topics. " The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study(1899), marking the beginning of his expansive writing career. In the study, he coined the phrase "the talented tenth," a term that described the likelihood of one in 10 black men becoming leaders of their race."[1] Many of Dubois ' works gained popularity, Dubois ' success made him one of the most important figures in topics of social commentary and African-American history. "Souls of Black Folk" describes the history of former slaves and the attempt of the United States government to compensate for slavery. Dubois ' focueses on higher education to empower former …show more content…
Born on the 30th of September 1975 in Baltimore Maryland, Coates has written many works on race and its systematic influence."Coates grapples with the rationalizations for slavery and their persistence in twentieth-century policies like Jim Crow and redlining—the practice of denying loans and other financial services to African-Americans."[3] (MacArthur Fellows Program) Coates wrote Between The World And Me in July 2015, this time period is when police brutality began to catch the attention of the millennials. In fact the murder of Eric Garner in Staten Island, New York City ,at the hands of New York 's police, influenced Coates to write this book. This work is dedicated to his son, Coates explains to his child how life was for a black man in Baltimore. Coates addresses race and what he calls The Dream, which is the privileged life white people created on the backs of people of color. The concept of The Dream is like The Color Line that Dubois uses in The Souls of Black Folk, the division of being black and American. This book is an autobiography in letter format addressed to his son. Coates main argument revolves around the black body and how it is lost. Coates argument is like Dubois, to prevent the destruction of black bodies, education is