The Role Of Perfection In Society

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Perfection itself is the ability to be faultless, to be free of all possible flaws, but it is our flaws that make us human. Unfortunately, it isn’t easy for people to accept that fact, Morgan Smith being one of them. Morgan was a fifteen year-old girl when it all started. She was so desperate to become society’s idea of perfection, she was ready to risk her life, happiness, and health to make it happen. In December of 2011, she had just become a sophomore in her high school. Until high school, she had participated in multiple after school sports including soccer, basketball, and volleyball. “I remember standing in front of the mirror almost every morning, and all I could see were the countless imperfections I had. How fat I was compared to …show more content…
Anorexia isn’t just a disorder, it’s a disease and day by day it is becoming more and more popular. Whether it's photographs of models and/or celebrities, or society’s idea of the “perfect body” everyone at one point feels like they don’t look or act the right way, but what most of them don’t know is that there is no right way. Society doesn’t define who we are, or what we have to be like. Then again, we are society, so, we can change that. Martin Luther King once said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” Nobody can see how corrupt society will become in the future, but, you can make that difference in yourself. Instead of looking into a broken mirror, one cracked with all the insecurities, imperfections, negative things you have, look into one that shows your true self. The one that makes you unique, because it really is your imperfections that make your beautiful. “Anorexia isn’t an illness of the body, it is an illness of the mind” (Lynn Crilly). Be careful what you say as well, because your words do hurt, and people do take it personally. Calling someone fat, or ugly, makes them want to starve themself, or lose the extra weight just to fit in. Next time you think for even a second that there's a missing piece to your puzzle, know that your worth so much more than a number that doesn’t even define who you

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