Another upstart for this clean food movement was the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair who was a Progressive/Muckraker and his exact words about the popularity of the book and the social uproar it caused was “I aimed for the Publics heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach”. Upton Sinclair’s book is a deeply graphic depiction into the Chicago meat packing industry and how meat was cut from diseased cattle and for ground meat that there were no safety protocols in place to protect employees. Upton Sinclair even went as far to tell the people how one of the employees fell into a grinder and they did not stop production at all and clean the machine and on top of it all continued to sell this contaminated meat that had human flesh in it. Another reason for the regulation for this industry is health protection/benefits because if the employee happens to hurt themselves with the machine or equipment supplied the employee was fired given no pay or health care for such accident or if something happened to where an employee dies on the job they would not inform their family they just fell off the face of the earth and they wouldn’t know what
Another upstart for this clean food movement was the book The Jungle by Upton Sinclair who was a Progressive/Muckraker and his exact words about the popularity of the book and the social uproar it caused was “I aimed for the Publics heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach”. Upton Sinclair’s book is a deeply graphic depiction into the Chicago meat packing industry and how meat was cut from diseased cattle and for ground meat that there were no safety protocols in place to protect employees. Upton Sinclair even went as far to tell the people how one of the employees fell into a grinder and they did not stop production at all and clean the machine and on top of it all continued to sell this contaminated meat that had human flesh in it. Another reason for the regulation for this industry is health protection/benefits because if the employee happens to hurt themselves with the machine or equipment supplied the employee was fired given no pay or health care for such accident or if something happened to where an employee dies on the job they would not inform their family they just fell off the face of the earth and they wouldn’t know what