The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Modification

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Genetic modification is a growing possibility. With genetic modification, parents could choose anything they want their child to have, the possibilities ranging from hair color to intellect. There are several reasons that genetic modification is wrong, however; for example, parents should love their children no matter what. The only reasons genetic modification should be accepted is to rid of diseases and disorders in a child’s genes. Genetic modification may seem like a swell process for parents that want a perfect child, but it is wrong and unfair to the child unless it is to possibly save his or her life.
Some people may argue that the genetic modification of human beings should be allowed for a variety of reasons. Genetically modifying
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In “Building Baby from the Genes Up,” author Ronald Green discusses several fears that people have about genetic modification. He says that after seeing Gattaca (1997), a movie in which parents are able to choose their children’s traits, many people were “horrified” with the thought of genetic modification for reasons such as designing a child to fit the parents’ wishes (178-79). Green also suggests that a child may not be able to feel proud of himself or herself when he or she accomplishes something that the parents chose the gene for, such as succeeding in athletics. He states that some people who had seen Gattaca might question whether or not the parents’ choosing of genes would cause them to love a child any less, fearing that they may become obsessed with perfection …show more content…
In a discussion with Luhan Yang (a “young postdoctoral scientist”), Antonio Regalado learns that altering the DNA in the “germ line” (egg and sperm) or in the actual embryo can help to possibly “correct disease genes and pass those genetic fixes on to future generations.” These diseases could include those like cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer’s. “Such history-making medical advances could be as important to this century as vaccines were to the last” (Regalado 27). Jason Pontin, editor of MIT Technology Review, also believes that these medical advances should be used to correct mutations and disorders that could affect a child’s life. If medical advances have been made that can help eliminate diseases such as Huntington’s or mutations that cause breast or ovarian cancer from a child’s DNA structure, why wouldn’t we take advantage of them? Pontin also suggests that if possible, “extraordinary characteristics” such as unbreakable bones could be inserted into an embryo’s genes to make him or her less susceptible to harm (Pontin 2). When done correctly and for the right reasons, genetic modification in human embryos can be a very helpful and possibly life-saving

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