The Pros And Cons Of Expansion Of Polynesia

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I believe that the Polynesian Expansion was more advanced than the Khmer Empire due to the facts that Polynesia’s geography, religion and traditions/cultures were more beneficial. Polynesia is geographically further away from its main enemies as it is made up of a cluster of small scattered islands. The Khmer Empire is based on the mainland of Asia where they were in frequent contact with other competing tribes and groups of people who would try and fight them for their land. Polynesia is based around one religion compared to the Khmer Empire having three different religions that caused lots of arguments and conflicts between the groups of people within the Khmer group. Because of their strong single religious beliefs, the Polynesians had lots of cultural and traditional activities that recognize their ancestors and kept them tied together by these traditions. …show more content…
My first reason is that the location of Polynesia is much safer from enemies than the Khmer Empire. The Polynesian Expansion is mainly a big triangle of Islands in the Pacific Ocean called the Polynesian Triangle. In the Polynesian triangle, Hawaii is the northern point of the triangle, Tonga and Samoa are in the west and Rapa Nui, Easter Island, is in the East also Aoteraroa, New Zealand, to the South. By living on all the small Islands you have an easier chance of escaping an enemy as you have all directions of the Island to escape. It is also situated in the middle of the ocean away from other big countries and therefore relatively isolated. Only people who were familiar with these oceans would attempt to navigate them. Explorers from England and Europe attempted to explore these waters and had only rudimentary navigation tools. They did not know of the existence of these islands and only came upon them by chance hence the Polynesians remained in control of their islands for many

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