The Pros And Cons Of Communism

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Throughout history, there have been multiple ways to govern a nation. Starting as early as the Ancient Greek system of democracy to the fearful monarchs who ruled Britain, different forms of government were set based upon the people who founded their nation. Although there have been a vast majority of harsh and unusual forms of government all over the world, one of the most cold-hearted forms of government was communism. Communism is responsible for causing the deaths of millions of Europeans and Russians as well as alienating human rights from individuals simply by them stating the fact that they disagree with the communist party. This is why communism should be stopped because it controls every aspect of citizens’ lives’. Communism is a form of government that was first formally introduced by Karl Marx in his book The Communist Manifesto, in which every individual is equal. They are equal in salary, necessities, education, and in wealth. Although this may seem as a utopian society, the leaders and goverment officials who rule the country are anything but humane. The basic right to freedom of speech, simply does not exist. Citizens cannot throw a fit and choose their own way of life because they "are forced …show more content…
Whether it is plowing the fields, sowing clothes in the factory, or mining, everyone recieves a similar amount of pay. However, people of a higher profession, such as doctors, do not get paid enough money to maintain the proper working attitude. Since in communism, the government owns all of the clinics and hospitals, a minimum, flat wage gets distributed to all of the doctors, in which most to almost all get underpaid. This causes the people of that certain profession to lose happiness and therefor, they will perform poor on their jobs. Communism does not value art professions but instead "views poets and painters as unnecessary and ridiculous jobs" ("Communism Sucks"

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