Buff Arms: Renewable Energy

Improved Essays
A Giraffe, but with, like, Really, Really, Buff Arms
Humans are a species characterized by seemingly endless consumption and waste. Perhaps the most consequential characteristic of this is the continual use of dwindling energy sources that aversely affect humanity and all living creatures on a global scale in spite of the fact that there are a copious amount of cleaner and renewable energy sources out there who’s only byproduct is a better Earth; as such, it is becoming poignantly clear that Fossil fuels are not only diminishing, but harming the environment as well and alternative energy sources must be explored in order to counteract this. One expanse of energy that has not yet been fully explored is the ocean. Waves in the ocean create a vertical motion that could be used to routinely raise and lower a buoy which would, in turn, move a coil through a magnetic field, thus generating electricity. This form of renewable, green energy would create zero emissions or pollutants in a world where current mass energy sources are running out and severely harming the environment. THE NEED TO EXPLORE ALTERNATE ENERGY SOURCES Despite recently falling gas prices, the most regularly used energy sources, fossil fuels and natural gas, are running out. It is estimated that oil will run out in as little as 35 years, coal in a liberal estimate of 107 years, and natural gas reserves in just 37 years. While coal reserves will seem to be the prime option for fossil fuel energy in the future, the 107 year span of usable energy from such reserves only serve to be shrunk by increased consumption due to the depletion of other fossil fuels more than half a century prior to its estimated termination (Kolesnikov). Based on these estimations, it likely that fossil fuels will be totally diminished within the next 3 to 4 generations if consumption habits and energy sources do not change. It is because of this that fossil fuels continue to constrict human energy consumption and will only further asphyxiate society with each new generation. Climate change is driven by greenhouse gasses, the largest perpetrator of which, disregarding water vapor, is carbon dioxide, which accounts for more than 99% of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere (Hieb). While much of that is naturally occurring, the burning of all fossil fuels releases Co2 into the atmosphere. The issue then arises from the sobering reality that 84% of the United States’ energy comes from burning fossil fuels (“Fossil Fuels”). Perhaps the main reason for exploring alternative energy sources is that the overwhelmingly negative effects of global climate change due to human consumption of fossil fuels (“Global Warming Effects”). Additionally, as fossil fuel reserves are running out, it will become necessary to explore new and better means of creating and improving clean energy. It is absolutely essential to the health of the planet for more research to be done in all areas of renewable and clean energy no matter how chimerical some may seem on the surface as it is equally quixotic to assume that it is possible to, in the near
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By virtue of this, the need for alternative energy sources continues to grow at the same or even a greater rate than that with which primitive energy sources never cease to shrink under the pressure of human consumption. The most popular renewable energy sources are as follows: solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, and hydroelectric energy. All of which, in addition to being overwhelmingly abundant and totally renewable, have very little carbon emissions, thus satisfying both of the concerns involved with oil, gas, or coal ("Alternative …show more content…
Wind farms rely on a multitude of variables that affect the wind which powers the turbines all staggered by one another and then proceeds to turn absurdly large blades which in turn generates electricity after it’s all said and done. Wind turbines can range from 200 feet to 30 feet, supplying power for power grids all the way down to power for individual homes, respectively. The largest drawback to using air currents to generate power is nearly inarguably and unsurprisingly the initial cost of such a system; however, this cost is nearly inconsequential when factoring in the benefits of the system over its lifetime ("Wind Energy

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