Artist, Edward Millman, painted a mural of employees working at one of John Deere’s factory. During the Great Depression Era, “the Deere company used the government aid provided by the New Deal to employ many Americans, which in turn, led them to become the number one provider of construction and agricultural equipment” (Conkin 382). As this mural suggests, in 1937, the New Deal created collective work through new jobs for Americans even though “there was twenty-five percent unemployment” (Krugman 213). Because of the aid money provided to John Deere, “the company was the leading employer in Moline with a record of 100 million in gross sale” that allowed them to reinvest the money in the community to employ more and more workers (Brown & Shannon 189). Furthermore, through the power of collective work the Deere company created the agricultural equipment of the century, which made farming inexpensive. This provided economic relief to the desperately needed farmers. Overall, this mural painting shows that America’s productivity in all phases had increased through the work power of collective work the Deere corporation has created because of the New Deal. Murals such as this one, allowed the federal government to push more programs with support of …show more content…
In Going to the Source, the mural that stands out the most was painted by Ben Shahn, portraying a man working in construction. In 1933, “Roosevelt created the Public Work Administration in order to fund large scale construction projects” (Roark et at. 721). This mural emphasizes the fact that the New Deal has provided jobs in construction to hard working Americans. It makes Americans gain confidence in the federal government because they see how the New Deal have provided jobs to individuals like them. It addition, it inspires Americans to believe in their own capability because there is employment waiting for them if they decide to work hard. By shining on the idea that the New Deal created many jobs to dedicated individuals, this mural allows the federal government to implement many more future