The Plague Dbq Essay

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The Bubonic Plague was one of the single most devastating events of the medieval era. The Plague, also called "Black Death" is suspected to have originated in China and the far east, coming to Europe during the late 1340 's and early 1350 's by way of shipping and trade routes. By the time the plague had abated, almost half of Europe 's population had been killed by this deadly disease. The results of the plague was extremely damaging not just to the population of Europe, but to the basis of society itself. The Plague had such a devastating effect on European society because the moral code of the populations dissolved, the emphasis and practice of religious faith declined, and the value and importance of traditional relationships decreased. …show more content…
Before the Plague, religion was used to explain everything from why a certain person ruled to why certain traditions were practiced. Religion was used as a basis and explanation for almost everything. After and during the plague, the value and emphasis of religion declined, and therefore the society declined. The moral values of society were often governed by the religious leader of the time, and when religion became less important, so did moral values and ideals. In Documents 4 and 6, evidence of religious decline and disregard is shown. In Document 4 the Nursery Rhyme, Ring Around the Rosy is analyzed and referenced. The third line of the rhyme states, "ashes, ashes." This refers to the act of cremation of bodies, an untypical way to dispose of remains during that time period. The dominant religion of the area during that time period was Christianity, which believes in the concept of reincarnation of the human body. Burning the body makes it harder to be reincarnated, so it is therefore an uncommon practice by Christians. However, during the Plague, many bodies were burned, showing the decline of religious practices and values through disregarding the Christian faiths teaching about cremation. Document 6, written by Agnolo Di Tura, also states, "And then, when the pestilence abated, all who survived game themselves over to pleasures: monks, priests, nuns, and lay men and women all enjoyed themselves, and none worried about spending and gambling." This shows the complete disregard for religious values and ethics by some of the most devout members such as nuns and priests. This attitude of selfishness and self-serving led to a decline in the values of religion and thereby the values of society

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