Poe impedes the advance of the quick tempo; demanding its deceleration. When Poe decelerates this tempo, it furthermore affects the story’s tranquility, portraying the narrator’s ascension into optimism. This is shown when the narrator exclaims, “I fell suddenly calm, and lay smiling at the glittering death, as a child at some rare bauble”(69). This description, compared to a child entranced, by an ornament, portrays the narrator’s optimism; the scintillating surface of the bauble is positive, enlightening, optimistic. By introducing vibrant diction (which strays from the previous, adverse diction), Poe prompts a question: what persuades the narrator to think differently? While the character ascends into optimism, the mood is directly affected, as Poe has previously established an apodictic link, between the narrator and the mood. Poe’s diction assists in proving his exigence; impacting a sphere of influence within his story, rather than a small element of
Poe impedes the advance of the quick tempo; demanding its deceleration. When Poe decelerates this tempo, it furthermore affects the story’s tranquility, portraying the narrator’s ascension into optimism. This is shown when the narrator exclaims, “I fell suddenly calm, and lay smiling at the glittering death, as a child at some rare bauble”(69). This description, compared to a child entranced, by an ornament, portrays the narrator’s optimism; the scintillating surface of the bauble is positive, enlightening, optimistic. By introducing vibrant diction (which strays from the previous, adverse diction), Poe prompts a question: what persuades the narrator to think differently? While the character ascends into optimism, the mood is directly affected, as Poe has previously established an apodictic link, between the narrator and the mood. Poe’s diction assists in proving his exigence; impacting a sphere of influence within his story, rather than a small element of