Each micro expression of the face can be tied to an exact meaning which correlates with a mental process. Face reading has an advantage over verbal communications because these miniscule expressions cannot be consciously controlled, and therefore have direct connotations to mental processes. Ekman found about three thousand micro expressions to which he could assign specific connotations and called them by a numbered action-unit. All these action units catalogue the “essential repertoire of human emotion” (Gladwell). This is not to say that the three thousand action units explain every human emotion, in the psychological view of the face, only expressions that have specific and universal denotations can be considered an action unit. The other micro expressions are inessential in the psychological view because they are too ambiguous and require more than a single micro expression to understand. The action units are separate from each other, but different combinations of them can go beyond processes and show the actual conscious intent of a
Each micro expression of the face can be tied to an exact meaning which correlates with a mental process. Face reading has an advantage over verbal communications because these miniscule expressions cannot be consciously controlled, and therefore have direct connotations to mental processes. Ekman found about three thousand micro expressions to which he could assign specific connotations and called them by a numbered action-unit. All these action units catalogue the “essential repertoire of human emotion” (Gladwell). This is not to say that the three thousand action units explain every human emotion, in the psychological view of the face, only expressions that have specific and universal denotations can be considered an action unit. The other micro expressions are inessential in the psychological view because they are too ambiguous and require more than a single micro expression to understand. The action units are separate from each other, but different combinations of them can go beyond processes and show the actual conscious intent of a