Was King Tut the offspring of an incestuous relationship? Long ago, in ancient Egypt kings often married
Was King Tut the offspring of an incestuous relationship? Long ago, in ancient Egypt kings often married
Have you ever wondered who Thutmose III was? Thutmose III was the sixth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. During the first 22 years of Thutmose's reign he was co-regent with his stepmother and aunt, Hatshepsut, who was named the pharaoh. Thutmose the Third was born to a wealthy family in 1482, BC.…
The arts of the western world have been largely dominated by the artistic standards established by the Greeks of the classical period. It is from the Greek word “theatron” meaning “a place for sitting”. It is said that the Greeks were the first people to erect special structures to bring audiences and theatrical performers together. The theatres were normally located near a populated area at the bottom, or cut out of a carefully selected, sloping hillside overlooking a seascape, plain, or city. They would then largely be constructed with three distinct parts: the theatron (viewing place) for spectators, the orchestra where the chorus and actors performed; and a later addition, the skene (scene building), which provided a scenic backing.…
In the 15th century Hatshepsut was born to Thutmose the 1st and the Queen, multiple people debate on what her name was. Because her dad was pharaoh she was inline to become pharaoh one day, but because she had two brothers that was highly unlikely. When her brothers died she was at a greater chance to be a pharaoh. When her father died she married her half-brother at a young age.…
Over the course of the years, King Tutankhamen’s (also known as King Tut) death has remained a mystery. Many theories have been put forth, but still, the cause of his death is unknown. Some theories suggest that King Tut was murdered while other theories suggest that his death was an accident or an illness. The top three theories are the theory of Aye, the theory of Horemheb, and the theory of natural death.…
Chapter 1: The Family of King Tutankhamen Father King Tutankhamen's father is King Akhenaten. King Akhenaten is believed to be the ruler of Egypt before King Tutankhamen was pharaoh. One important event that happened while King Akhenaten was pharaoh was when he made Egyptians worship only one god, Aten, instead of worshipping many gods. Before changing his name, King Akhenaten's real name was Amenhotep.…
Despite what many think, the pharaohs of ancient Egypt did not succeed each other as an unbroken, patrilineal chain by any means. By the Eighteenth Dynasty, the state of kingship had recovered is authority from the Asiatic ruling of the Second Intermediate Period. Hatshepsut, one of the most well-known female kings of Egypt, is a clear outlier to what one would expect from a typical pharaoh. Her story, in summary, involves her gaining control over administration after King Thutmose II, her husband and step-brother, dies, and using that as a stepping stone to claim solitary kingship rather than continuing a life of co-regency – meaning, shared kingship – with Thutmose III, the originally intended male heir and her step-son. This essay will analyze…
Hatshepsut was no stranger to royal treatment. Starting out as just being the pharaoh’s daughter, soon to be wife of Pharaoh to becoming a Pharaoh herself. Hatshepsut’s rollercoaster of a life surely does not disappoint. But how did a lady of her time gain such power and respect? After all, we are talking about ancient Egypt, are we not?…
Have you ever took time to think about what happen to to King Tut? To think of how he died at such a young age. I think he was killed by Aye, his army general. Aye could have killed him to get the throne, to be the Pharaoh of Egypt. That would be because he ended up married to Anka so he could become king. I also think that Aye and Tey, his first wife teamed up so they could rule together.…
From Ahmose, the man who removed the Hyksos from the land of Egypt, to Tutankamun, the boy king, the beautiful Queen Nefertiti, and the well known Rameses ‘The Great’, it becomes clear the Egypt had amazing leaders, however the focus of this essay is one exceptional Pharaoh, whom we are about to learn about. It was the year 1903 when archeologist Howard Cater entered tomb known as KV20. It was empty apart from for three empty sarcophagus for a pharaoh. The scholars had no idea at the time where the king’s mummy was or who the tomb belonged to. It was in a nearby quarry where they found the destroyed statues of a Pharaoh.…
The most famous Pharaoh of Egypt’s 18th dynasty has to be King Tutankhamen. The riches of his tomb have given him international fame and recognition , but in a historical sense his accomplishes cannot be compared to those of Ahmose I. Ahmose I accomplished something that Pharaohs before him could not and that was then continued by his Successor. Although the lack of riches in his tomb could not allow him to have the modern recognition that King Tutankhamen he is rich in his history. Before Ahmose I was Pharaoh, Egypt was going through its second intermediate period where Egypt was not unified and foreigners were ruling the Delta.…
The most famous pharaoh in the history of Egypt was not famous because he was the best or most powerful king. King Tutankhamun was so famous for two reasons. The first reason was because of his extreme youth when he became pharaoh. He was only six when his father, Akhenaten had died and he earned the title of the Boy King. The second reason was that in a time where grave robbery was common, archaeologist howard Carter had the good fortune to discover Tut’s tomb undisturbed.…
What was said of his reign was that it was uneventful. Thutmose II, died from most likely, skin disease. After a 15-year reign of Thutmose II, Hatshepsut was now a widow, but she felt free, to act as queen, and show the Egyptian people what the daughter of Thutmose I, could…
To go back in time, to stand in the footsteps of Howard Carter, would be a moment of ecstasy. I can only imagine the anticipation that would fill my soul, as my conscience reminded me that I must remain calm, as many eyes stood by watching my every move. A seven year journey that I had embarked upon and finally my treasure, King Tutankhamen treasures for his eternity have been discovered or had they been pillaged. Finding myself a bit reluctant, I imagine I would begin to shake as it came time to pass through the entrance of the tomb. Everything within myself longing to see what King Tut had truly valued, knowing that the things he held of great worth would be the very things he would seek to carry into his afterlife.…
Egypt put the famed golden burial mask of king Tutankhamen back on display at the Egypt museum. The beard was accidentally knocked off during work on the relic's lightening. A German-Egypt team began work on the mask. They used beeswax on the mask. Christian Eckmann said "We used wooden tools, spatulas, other wooden instruments.…
King Tutankhamen was a pharaoh who died at a young age and is rumored to have a cursed tomb. Tut was a young boy when he came into power in Egypt in 1332 BC. His decade long rule was relatively insignificant in Egyptian history, but the discovery of his tomb in 1922 was among the most remarkable events of time. Discovered by British Archaeologist, Howard Carter, King Tut’s tomb was the first tomb to be found almost entirely intact. Since the discovery of his tomb in 1922, Tutankhamun has awe-struck the world.…