He knows that in order to make a change he has to act on it. However, if everyone was motivated the same way as Equality was, then society would be more independent and people would be happier than usual. If they are victims of those that seek happiness through bullying, on the other hand, then their lives would not be as happy, however with the motivation of Equality, they can try their hardest to make their lives better. This can make one think about how far a motivation like Equality's could get them in
He knows that in order to make a change he has to act on it. However, if everyone was motivated the same way as Equality was, then society would be more independent and people would be happier than usual. If they are victims of those that seek happiness through bullying, on the other hand, then their lives would not be as happy, however with the motivation of Equality, they can try their hardest to make their lives better. This can make one think about how far a motivation like Equality's could get them in