Analysis: The Invisible Victims Of Bullying

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The Invisible Victim Bullying is one of the primary problems that the youth faces today. When a person thinks about bullying, the first thought that will come in mind is the bullied. Most people sympathize for the victim because they are the ones that are easily pointed out to. The media has played a big role on how others see bullying and stereotyping bullies. The perpetrators of bullying appear to be strong, powerful, intimidating, and confident; which is why the community does not empathize with them (Bloom, 2008). People think that bullies have no compassion for others; so why should the people give compassion to the bullies? Bullying is a cycle that will not stop unless the people themselves see that there are two sides to every story. …show more content…
This is a good starting point to detect how bullies came to be. During the tender age, a child is very vulnerable; especially to actions committed or words uttered by people they trust. When a child is hurt physically or emotionally, they carry these burdens until they grow up. Whether the abuse is intentional or unintentional, if there is no one to guide the victim on how to let those feelings out, they might lash out one day to become …show more content…
There are studies that show that most bullies are bullied, too. The Institute of Education in London conducted a study from 6,500 children from age’s eight-to-eleven years olds. Their findings show that 5% of the whole are bullies and 4.5% out of that percentage were bullied themselves (Bloom, 2008). These figures can be interpreted as a defense mechanism for the ones who are bullied, thus they act out to become bullies. Bullies are misunderstood, they are people who do not know how to let out their frustrations; but because they do not have a channel for this, they use other people. Their behavior of bullying can be seen as a coping mechanism, an act of anger that the people around them should guide (Lankard,

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