World Poverty: Mutually Influence Of Church And State

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The church-state relationship has varied in various cultures over time. It is my belief that church and state are “distinct but mutually influential.” Church and state have distinct areas of responsibility, and those responsibilities should be exercised with mutual respect and negotiated influence and authority. (McQuilken & Copan, 2013). Additionally, I believe that the church has an obligation to deal with world poverty. This paper will outline my reasoning for believing that church and state are distinct but mutually influential, and illustrate the application of this philosophy to the issue of world poverty.
Support of Distinct, but Mutually Influential

1. Influence. There is a place for both church and state. Each has
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Dual Calling of Christians. Christians have two callings, one to Christ to be part of his body, and one to the world as citizens, neighbors, co-workers, etc. This duality is shown in Romans 13:1-7 where Paul reminds everyone to place themselves under government authority while reminding them that all authority comes from God. Each of these areas has its own government and uses distinct ends and means when serving that unit. There is a distinction between heavenly things and earthly things, and between righteousness before God and righteousness before fellow humans. The two kingdoms are distinct, but they are not at variance. Though different, Christians have an obligation to proclaim the gospel and to proclaim earthly freedom from injustice. Christians need not choose between the two kingdoms, but rather they carry out their responsibilities in both in clear ways through clear means. (Horton, 2008).
Gaddy makes the argument that separation of church and state keeps politics out of the church and prevents either from being “used for the advancement of narrow sectarian or political goals.” (Gaddy, 2008, p. 12). Separation of church and state also allows schools to teach unencumbered by the views of a particular religion. It also protects the sanctity and integrity of religion from the political sphere. Gaddy argues that the only way to protect freedom of religion is via separation of church and state. (Gaddy,
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In Galatians 2:10, Paul tells us that he has been eager to remember the poor. In 2 Corinthians 8:9, he reminds us that Jesus became poor for our sakes. For Paul, there are no geographical restrictions for outreach to the poor, whether the poor in Jerusalem or within local congregations in Judea and the Greco-Roman world. Paul feels that all have the right to a fair share and that Christians should give according to their proportion to establish that equality. (2 Corinthians 8:12-15). (Kar Yong, 2013). Giving to the poor is love in action and authenticates the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s vision that everyone has a right to a fair share so that no one has needs is especially timely today. Christian generosity requires relative proportional giving to authenticate the gospel of Jesus Christ as love in

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