My Sociological Perspective

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Sociology is “the systematic study of human societies- everyday social life- out thoughts, actions, feelings, decisions, interactions, and so on- is the product of a complex interplay between societal forces and personal characteristics” (p.6). Prior to taking this sociology class I was unaware of how much sociology applied my everyday life and that’s where sociological imagination comes into play. Sociological imagination is the “ability to see the impact of social forces on our private lives” (p.18). People have different views upon life due to their sociological background, meaning where they were raised, ethnicity, background, culture, and family. The factor I will focus on throughout this paper are my status, social experience, and specific …show more content…
The most important social institution to me is my family, I believe that they are the basis of everything that I do. My family is my heart and I know that is due to my mother, she has been there for me through everything, she motivates me to keep going no matter the failures that I encounter she continues to motivate me, send me kind words, and help me through everything. She is the reason I am as positive and calm as I am, she always taught me that when you have a problem if there is not a way you can fix it, then there is no reason to stress about it, and if you did your best and you still didn’t succeed if you tried your hardest then still be proud of …show more content…
Initially, we chose Coker College because they offered the most the scholarship money and even though many people say never choose a college based on money. College is so expensive and I did not want to see my parents struggling to pay for my education so I decided to go to the cheapest place, and although a great experience that I am glad to have had occur, Coker was not the place for me. So I chose a new educational organization of Queens University of Charlotte. Education wise I love this school, but socially I feel like it lacks. Queens University sold me on its diversity, but compared to Coker College, there is no real diversity here. Also, it is a very small school and I still have not experienced the “family feel” promised, part of the use of education is for socialization and I think Queens harbors the perfect environment for making professional connections which is one of the things I find most useful here and one of the main reason I

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