NUM and COSATU gained momentum serving as a union of black mineworkers and laborers within the South African economy. The importance of the trade unions lied within their ability to directly affect the manufacturing and mining industries which contributed heavily to South Africa’s GDP onward from the 50’s. Furthermore, NUM, COSATU, and the UDF based their principles upon the ANC’s Freedom Charter, and we’re open to cooperation and teamwork because of the socialist nature and at times communist and Workerist ideals of the ANC under …show more content…
Some would argue that the financial squeeze exerted upon the White industry leaders directly led to the fall of Apartheid, yet one must understand that without the dissent and uproar on the ground, South Africans would not be unified against what Steve Biko calls the “Common white oppressor.” Furthermore, the non-political activities executed by black activists constantly positioned the world spotlight upon South Africa, further undermining the system of Apartheid, which Western powers condemned after the Cold War, moving from their stance of protecting the institutions of “Democracy” and Capitalism that South Africa relied upon during the 20th