In this time period of the Apartheid there was one group called the ANC or African National Congress; this was the group that opposed this law. Our main character Eleanor was a part of this ANC group who opposed the movement. Her actions of being in the ANC as a white female was costly as one day a government official (Grobler) started searching for her. That day Eleanor was found by Grobler was just the beginning of a long journey. What happens is she gets taken in for questioning then gets put into jail. Yes put into jail… She was neglected of any human rights. This is wrong and this is what set the author off to write this book. Eleanor was never given a trial or even a fighting chance. In the apartheid this is what was happening; random people were being questioned, and then physically beat and put into jail. This is an unhuman act and this is why people rebelled against …show more content…
when the Civil Rights Movement was going on violence was the only thing that surrounded us. At the time churches were being bombed. We had houses that were being bombed. At every give moment someone was either being verbally put down or some sort of violence was going on. Some differences between the two moves are quite obvious. One movement was mainly about ones Civil Rights while the other was dealing with legal segregation by the government. I feel like in the US the black African race had much more of a voice than in South Africa. In the US they could protest the streets and public areas where they were guaranteed to get attention. The ANC never got the attention like the Civil Rights movement did. Even though they were somewhat difference in terms of their goals, they were still both acts of discrimination and that’s what’s wrong. In the Civil Rights Movement there were a few groups somewhat like the ANC. Some of the groups were to promote violence some of the groups were to help with the pushing the segregation forward. These groups are the Ku Klux Klan and Black Panthers. These groups could be voiced as other types of protestors. The KKK wanted nothing to do with the black race as they discriminate against them. The Black Panthers was a group who stood up for themselves. They wanted to fight against the movement and win equality. But as you think of different types of protesting and how non-violent might be better that isn’t