Founder’s Scholarship, The King’s College
October 27th, 2016
Word Count: 1,
Solomon counsels, that “Wealth obtained by fraud dwindles, But the one who gathers by labor increases it”(Proverbs 13:11). With immorality at an all time high, there is a disappointing deficit of integrity driven individuals and corporations within society. Companies are far too often only invested in the typically conceived physical well being of the environment, and they neglect what is arguably of superior importance, the social environment. We live in a world riveted with narcissistic ambition, and the importance of business ethics is more crucial than ever. Businesses need to be conducting themselves in a manner that reaches beyond solely profit-based …show more content…
All employees of Gilbane are required to go through a mandatory ethical training called “Staying on the High Road: Ethics at Gilbane.” In addition to this requirement, as a condition of employment with Gilbane, every year each employee is required to review and comply to Gilbane’s Code of Ethics Policy. This includes both acknowledging their personal compliance and attesting to having no knowledge of any such violations elsewhere. Gilbane is the second construction company in the United States to seek out the Ethics and Resource Center (ERC) to conduct a benchmark Ethics Survey in an attempt to better assess the effectiveness of their Ethics and Compliance Program.Gilbane is a company that continuously evolves and redefines the building and developing industry. With a strong emphasis on the overall impact of creating communities, establishing relationships, and nurturing leaders, Gilbane looks beyond meaningless transactions , and instead seeks to establish a commitment to uphold honor despite society’s frame of reference. Gilbane’s commitment to its Core values provides the foundation to a long sustained vision of effectively shaping culture in a way that reflects the essence of the company’s identity. Gilbane leverages collaboration, diversity, involvement, and respect to embrace the culture …show more content…
Though Gilbane’s goal of making a difference in local communities is not inherently “Christian, their emphasis on maintaining integrity is consistent with Christian values. My desire to think and act with integrity would be fostered in the academic environment of The King 's College, and it would be valued in the work environment of Gilbane international. I value Bill Donahue’s wisdom as he assesses “A leadership strategy without ethical clarity produces moral and economic bankruptcy,” therefore having the opportunity to shadow professionals in the real world of business management will enrich my understanding of the concepts I encounter in the classroom, but witnessing the execution of business professionals who value honesty above profit margins will strengthen my resolve to pursue a career in