The Importance And Significance Of Geography In The Great Gatsby

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The Importance and Significance of Geography in The Great Gatsby
Geography plays a very important part in the novel The Great Gatsby. There is the significance of East and West Egg, places that are similar in the fact that, for the most part, only very wealthy people live there. Also, the people there very entitled. They are very different in almost every way besides that.There is also the middle ground that is the Mid-west, which is completely different from both the East and the West. The Midwest is represented by the character Nick Carroway. Each section is represented by a different character and that character represents the lifestyle and morals of the place they are from.
First off there is East Egg, or the East. East Egg is made up
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There are many examples of this is The Great Gatsby. One is all of the affairs that Tom has and Daisy’s affair with Gatsby. They are ruining their marriage by cheating and dishonoring the sacredness of marriage. They do not care who it will hurt or who it will affect, they just do it for their own pleasure. They rarely even mention the fact that they have a daughter that could be affected by the behavior that they are displaying, it’s like they don’t even care. Also, there is the example of Daisy killing Myrtle. I mean come on, she killed a person and everyone acted as though it wasn’t a big deal. Just move away and no one will suspect anything. Daisy didn’t even take responsibility for it in private, she let Gatsby take the fall which ultimately led to his …show more content…
Jordan won her golf tournament but there was speculation that she moved the ball from a bad lie and made it easier for herself, therefore cheating. This was most likely true. Gatsby on the other hand got his money through dirty dealings and blood money. None of it was honest and he lied about what he did most of his life. The people from the West didn’t come to the life they wanted by working too hard or being too honest. This shows the morals they have. They don’t care too much about how they got what they wanted as long as, in the end, they got it. Jordan became rich and famous and Gatsby got his

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