Women's Roles In The Civil Rights Movement

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Prior to the Civil Rights movement, slavery was the fulcrum which held society together as a whole helping to characterize women of the South. Slavery would later be considered the underpinning of the South in cultural, political, and spiritual aspects. Everything was constructed around slavery. A person’s class was determined by two things: race and gender. A clear distinction was always made: White slave owners sat atop of the totem pole, while black female slaves remained at the bottom, waiting for just an ounce of acknowledgement. Anyone who owned slaves in the South were at the culmination of society as a collective whole. The possibility of being able to purchase slaves, kept those who did not purchase slaves bound to an oppressive chain of command. Slave ownership made individuals both male and female more superior to others. …show more content…
Men argued that women wanted slaves in order to be free of their domestic obligations, while using their wives as a symbol of what their social status was. Buying a slave improved a family’s prestige. It showed a man’s dominance and the purchase of a slave affected both morals and status. By becoming a tem player in the pro-slavery argument, made a powerful impact in justifying condescension. This position gave them perfunctory power in society (Clinton). Superiority was key in order for a woman to find their place in society. Superiority created expectations for women whether or not they owned slaves. Only a small sector of the population in the South, owned slaves. However, those select few set the bar high for the South. Due to the Southern doxies, women were very eager to meet a certain ideal. In reality, being a plantation wife, wasn’t the easiest thing in the world; however, they had to appear to be perfect.

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