It includes a belief in government as an institution whose primary function exists to define and enforce the laws. Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It remains the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties, human rights and rights of the individual.
Liberalism involves a belief in the need for legislative bodies which represent the influential groups. Liberalism stays concerned with allowing a maximum of freedom for the individual within the context of a system of laws which limit interference with individual rights by government or by other individuals. Hence the liberal ideology also invariably involves a bill of rights to define the rights of individuals and to limit the power of government to interfere with those rights. Liberals believe that less should be spent on the military, typically remain less willing to commit troops to action, support the "freedom of choice", oppose prayer in school, favor of affirmative action, views government as a regulator in the public interest, desire to tax the rich further and spend extra on the poor, plus believe the people should solve the problems that cause crime and guard defendants’ rights carefully. …show more content…
Generally speaking, the Democratic party follows a liberal platform; the Republican party follows a conservative platform. The following table summarizes the current ideology of the parties (the links section gives additional detail on what each party stands for). Liberal (i.e. Left) Conservative (i.e. Right) Representative Party Democrats Republicans Abortion Pro-choice Pro-life Affirmative Action For (i.e. maintain race-based preferences) Against (i.e. ban race-based preferences) ANWR Drilling Prevent the Alaska drilling Pursue this and other domestic oil sources Balanced Budget Amendment Opposed In Favor of Business Increase regulation and worker protection Ease regulation and repress government out of business Crime Protect the rights of the accused first and foremost Provide maximum punishment and protect the rights of the victim first and foremost Death Penalty Ban Maintain Immigration Grant amnesty to illegal aliens; no need to build a fence along the Mexican border; allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses; prevent the creation of a national ID card & database to track people in the country. Prevent amnesty for illegal & driver's licenses for illegal aliens; construct a Mexican border fence; create a national ID card & database to track people in the country. Increase or maintain legal immigration only. Kyoto Treaty Sign this environmental treaty Oppose signing this environmental treaty Malpractice Lawsuits Oppose punitive & pain/suffering damage cap amounts Cap punitive & pain/suffering damage amounts Mexican Border Fence Oppose the fence Build the fence Minimum Wage Increase Lower or eliminate altogether Missile Defense Scrap this program Pursue this program Personal Responsibility Government needs to protect people from themselves People should be responsible and held accountable for their own actions Physician- Assisted Suicide Allow Prevent Religion Maintain separation of church and state; prevent faith-based government initiatives Introduce added religion in schools; allow faith-based government initiatives Same-Sex Marriage Legalize Ban School Vouchers Cease the program Expand the program Social Security Increase age of beginning eligibility (e.g. 68 or 70); increase salary limits subject to tax Privatize; i.e. allow citizens control over their own money and allow stock investments Social Spending Increase Decrease or maintain Taxes Increase taxes, especially on the rich Cut taxes, especially on businesses that invest and hire Three Strikes Law Overturn this law Maintain and expand these laws Unions Workers should be unionized wherever possible, even if it means mandatory joining of a union to work at a place Unionization should be limited, and workers should never be forced to join World Peace Negotiate first and only initiate military action if sanctioned by the U.N. and other world organizations Work with world bodies and utilize negotiation, then initiate unilateral pre-emptive action if necessary to protect America Defense Spending Decrease or maintain Increase Embryonic Stem Cell Research Spend federal funding for the research Oppose federal funding for research Government Size Increase the government and apply socialistic policies Reduce the government and apply capitalistic,