The Floating Butterfly Research Paper

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Coming into high school, I was so nervous that I would not fit in or make any new friends. I was what you would call “the floating butterfly” that identified with different friend groups each day. I believed that my transition from middle school to high school would not be hard, like getting used to how things would be run, but I expected that making friends was going to be difficult--since I was shy around new people. The first thing I did, was that I changed my appearance. I made sure that I would not forget to wash my face, comb my hair, and brush my teeth, as I did once a while in middle school. I also changed the types of clothes I wore. I didn’t make drastic changes, but I made sure that I was caught up with the type of clothes everyone else was wearing, like khakis, flannels, and Nike shoes. I felt that as if I looked more stylish people would approach me more often. It worked, but not as much as I wanted. The second thing that I did was I made mutual relationships with the friends of my friends. I stuck by them and started talking to their friends. Being more effective than changing my appearance, I was happy with the people I was becoming friends with. My main goal was to make sure that I could feel comfortable talking to anyone and start a unforced conversation, and vice-versa. Looking back, I feel now that I did the right thing. I feel as if my changes were simple and easy, but not everybody can change and conform as easily as I did. At school, I see kids that are black-skinned and I don’t judge, but I see how much they stand out from the other students at our school. In public, blacks stand out, but they are also still oppressed by the harsh and judgmental nature of our society today. The black population is often looked at as a lesser class, with not as much beauty as the white population. Going back in history, blacks were considered property and did not have any rights compared to those that were white. After the Civil War, blacks were not property and were counted as a usual United States citizen, but they were still oppressed and discriminated against. In current times, people like to believe that there is no discrimination or oppression against blacks, but that is not true. In the United States, types of oppression are still clear and are seen as racism and negative attitudes and stereotypes towards the black population. Most people can say that there is no oppression, but they have not experienced it themselves, and maybe only heard the stories on the news. Equality is a virtue that everyone strives for, but unfortunately, it is not completely here yet. No matter how much someone may believe that they are doing the right thing, there is always going to be one person who has a negative attitude towards blacks. It can be seen just like math, no matter how big of a positive there is, one tiny negative can change the outcome. Racism is found in any place in the world. No matter where a person is there is some sort of racism going on. It can be applied to any populous ethnic group, not just blacks. But in the United States, racism against blacks is the largest compared to other ethnic groups. Racism is hard to see today because it is more based upon an individual basis not public …show more content…
For many years the black population have been oppressed and discriminated against. Today it is not so easy to catch because of its change to being more individual or personal based. Also, the negative attitudes and stereotypes that many people associate with blacks do not help by any means. Blacks are no longer property, and should not be considered lower class. There are so many successful black Americans such as Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, and so many others that have achieved great and amazing things. Everybody may hope to have equality in this world, but it can be very hard to do. Once again, just compare it to math. One negative can make a lot of positives become negative. But unfortunately, in this case, two negatives don’t make a

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