Foremost, Tom Walker was a very greedy man who didn’t care about anyone but himself, not even his wife who he was married for years now, yet there was no love nor affection from both of them. He was a very …show more content…
Who is fairest of them all?
Mirror Man: My Queen, on this day one has come of age fairer even than you. She is the reason your powers wane.
Queen Ravenna: Who is it?
Mirror Man: Snow White.
Queen Ravenna: Snow White? She is my undoing? I should have killed her when she was a child!
Mirror Man: Be warned, her innocence and purity is all that can destroy you. But she is also your salvation, Queen. Take her heart in your hand and you shall never again need to consume youth. You shall never again weaken or age.
Queen Ravenna: Immortality. Immortality forever.”
Queen Ravenna had kept the princess Snow White in captivity for many years because she refused to get rid of her as a child when Ravenna killed her father (the king). She ordered for someone to go and get her from the tower she was put in but she could escape the castle and go into the forest, Ravenna ordered to get the huntsmen to go hunt her down and bring her Snow White’s heart so she could have immortality and beauty forever, but she failed causing the death of her bother and hers too and Snow white became the new