The Declassification Of Marijuana

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The reclassification of marijuana to a schedule II drug, with medical use on a federal scale, has erupted into one of the most debated topics on a political and social level over the past few years. Marijuana, at the moment, is a schedule I drug, which means it has a high risk for abuse and no medical value. A schedule II drug has medical value, but it is still a high risk for abuse in our society, so it should be seen as a medicine in the social lens. Being a schedule I drug though, people do not see it in the same way, as it should, only because of the stigma that surrounds it.
As a schedule II drug, marijuana and the active cannabinoid factors present can be studied and recorded to ensue safe and proper use and knowledge of the effects.
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Drugs that are also on the schedule I list include: Heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, and Bath Salts. Based on a study done by the American Psychiatric Association, only about 4.3% of people in America have been dependent on marijuana . This is compared to cocaine, and heroin, which have 15% and 24% dependent on them respectively . The amount of harm calculated by the American Psychiatric Association places marijuana much lower on the scale for physical harm than every other schedule I drug, and lower on the physical harm, social harm, and dependence scale than both tobacco and alcohol . The amount of marijuana that must be smoked in 15 minutes to cause a lethal dose is approximately 1500 pounds . Tobacco and alcohol being legal drugs in America brings to question not only why they are legal, but also why a drug that is ranked safer than them, a schedule I drug, the most severe kind. I believe this is a key point to be made about the scheduling system for drugs Mr. Candidate because, tobacco and alcohol are completely legal but more harmful to society and to the person him or …show more content…
Joseph Pierre M.D. notes the psychiatric effects of marijuana, including the “increased risk for the development of psychosis.” Dr. Pierre presents a case to improve his ethos, and present the facts about marijuana. The particular case that Dr. Pierre presents the reader provides to give the adverse effects of marijuana, and how they can affect the psyche of a human. Dr. Pierre presents how marijuana can affect the psyche and how the psyche can sustain multiple disorders via the use of marijuana. Unfortunately, there is something wrong with the doctor’s observations. To state a theory as fact after one case presented itself that corresponded with Pierre’s hypothesis is not following the scientific theory, which is needed for every hypothesis. Repetition is necessary and to be able to produce the same

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