The Legal Drinking Age

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The magical number eighteen is when one is considered an adult along with being eligible to vote, get married, join the military, and even purchase tobacco however an eighteen year old is not allowed to purchase or consume alcohol. Thirty years ago the legal drinking age in America was set at eighteen years old , and things regarding alcohol use were okay back then however the only problem was the casualties drunk driving caused. I believe the legal drinking age is past due and America is educated enough to prevent drunk driving and can guide young eligible drinkers to drink responsibly. Having the legal drinking age set at eighteen is actually a lot more convenient and even harmless to society. Although people naturally think otherwise studies …show more content…
Also, studies show how the human brain is not all the way fully developed until the age twenty-one. This brings up the leading argument for those in favor of the legal drinking age at eighteen which is if twenty-one is the legal drinking age because that 's when the human brain is fully developed then why are eighteen year olds considered old enough to vote, get married, serve the military, and even purchase tobacco and make adult decisions like having kids or living on your own. Those in favor of the legal drinking age set at twenty-one argue that society would be chaotic and destructive if people as young as eighteen are allowed to purchase or consume alcohol, however those against will say that people as young as eighteen and even younger are already exposed to alcohol and are consuming alcohol regardless of the current legal drinking age and there doesn 't seem to be much chaos and …show more content…
I believe the legal drinking age being set at twenty-one is past due and America is a lot more modern and educated enough to have the legal drinking age set at eighteen and functioning accordingly. The topic on drinking and driving is going to happen no matter what age we set the legal drinking age at. America is at a new age and should be able to educate the young to drink responsibly along with supervising the permitted age groups that are eligible to

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