Terrorism Analysis

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Terrorism is a crime with an intent for a political outcome. Common acts of terrorism that are familiar to most are airline hijackings, suicide bombings, rocket/missile attacks, IEDs and anthrax letters. What is the motive of most of most terrorists who choose their target? It depends on the benefit they are seeking. Several different outcomes include the following: media sensation, fear, mass destruction and death, and humiliate officials and governments (Newman & Clarke, n.d). Terrorists often choose targets directly linked to their issue (Newman & Clarke, n.d.). The consequences also include the direct and indirect economic costs of terrorist attacks, the psychological effects of terrorism upon the population, and the social and political …show more content…
There are three phases the Department of Homeland Security describes as essential measures to take which is prepare, respond, and recover. In the preparation stage, it is the most critical process for an essentially effective response. Planning is the first step which makes it possible to manage the life cycle of a potential crisis (National Response Framework, 2008). This step includes the collection of intelligence and vital information needed to implement a successful policy and procedures manual to perform tasks. This phase also includes response, evacuation plans along with potential challenges such as weather, transportation and shelter. Organization includes the structuring in strengthening of leadership at each level to include the most senior support person in charge down to …show more content…
Terrorists also tests security by gauging response time by law enforcement officials to respond. In the funding stage, terrorist need to raise and spend money without raising red flags. One sign includes paying for large transactions via cash or gift cards. Some signs to look out for in acquiring supplies is by large purchases involving cellular phones and uniforms. Terrorist also impersonate law enforcement to gain information to remain undetected. The rehearsal stage includes several test runs of the operation to gauge police response time along with ensuring the potential attack will be executed smoothly. The final stage of deployment consists of terrorists preparing for the potential attack.
One commonality between criminal and terrorist behavior is there is a sequence of steps that has to be made to accomplish the mission. Terrorists have to prepare by surveying, test runs, funding, escape plans, etc. An ordinary criminal planning a bank robbery has some of the same tasks to perform before carrying out the

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