Bernal Díaz del Castillo a Spanish conqueror and chronicler in the Indies, travelled with Cortés expedition party. Bernal Díaz del Castillo was interested in getting his version of the expedition out to the world. Even though it was years before he was able to accomplish this he believed it was important to explain the “rank and file” of the expeditioners and the Aztecs. The excerpt describes the expeditions walk into the great city of Mexico or as it was known at the time, Tenochtitlan. At the time of this final trek of the expedition Cortez was ordered to discontinue by the governor of Cuba when he was not getting along with at the time. He ignored those orders and even defeated the small army of men sent to arrest him. …show more content…
The causeway was heavily used with people entering and leaving the city. With the arrival of the expeditioners the causeway was crowded and it was difficult to pass. Many spectacular sights were witnessed by the expeditioners such as pyramids and towers. The natives of Mexico stared on at the entourage with their horses and men with much curiosity. According to Bernal Diaz del Castillo there was danger in crossing into Mexico. The expectation from many of the expedition group was that once they had entered the walls of Mexico they would be killed. The road to Mexico became crowded again with what would be known today as soldiers dressed in fine clothing each showing their own unique place within the Aztec leadership. Each soldier gave a sign of peace as the Great leader Montezuma