The Black Family In The Age Of Mass Incarceration Analysis

Improved Essays
1. What is your overall reaction to this article?
In the article The black family in the age of mass incarceration, was overall and amazing article. A lot of people see the “blacks” as drug dealers or murder or look at them in a different way then they look at white. Reading this article gave proof of that. Showing that even the presidents of the united states believed that the reason there was crime was because of the “blacks”. This article really opened my eyes to the political view on why there has been an increase of black incarceration. Starting with presidents to senate to government who all believe that blacks are criminals and should be incarcerated. Just like described in the article the law enforcement looks more at arresting or
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Anyone could be a criminal and anyone could commit a murder it has nothing to do with their color it is just the stereotype that is put in our heads to think that way. I believe it is important for people to know the struggles that black families go though and the amount of blacks that are incarcerated and how they are treated in the jails. Most of the time blacks are talked down to and seen in different ways when really we are all the same and anyone in this world can be a murder/ drug dealer, drug addict/ or a criminal. Anyone can commit a friendly mugging!
2. How does mass incarceration affect the lives of all black Americans?
Mass incarceration affects lives of black Americans in multiple ways, blacks are prosecuted for every little thing they do. They take one wrong step or same something that sounds wrong they are stopped by the police or labeled by other races. Blacks are always being accused of having drugs or being tied into a crime. They are always the ones being punished or looked at when something is going wrong.
This affects the families because for those African American men who are incarcerated are leaving their families behind, leaving them will bill and no more coming in. Which forces the mother to sell herself or find illegal ways to help take care of her children. Most African American men are the main source of income and when that
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Just like they talked about in the article about the Ferguson case. That is something that should have never happened, they see people as aggressive and think that they automatically have a gun or are going to attack them right away. Blacks never have a chance to prove themselves wrong or show that they aren’t that bad of citizens. They work just as hard as anyone in this world and I believe it is absolutely ridiculous that they are still being stereotyped. I believe as a society we need to stop putting people in the bubble that shows people they are bad or to stay away because when we generalize people without getting to know them It can cause problems for that race or gender. Our society needs to start looking at people themselves instead of judging a book by its

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